Create a video, billboard design or radio spot to motivate, persuade and encourage your peers to not drive distracted. You can speak to them on this subject in a way that adults cannot – the more impact you make, the more lives you can save.
Not only can you win scholarships worth up to $8000, but your creative vision may be turned into a PSA and distributed nationally! Deadlines are approaching, so click below for entry details.
Our Mission

Drunk, drugged and distracted driving are on the rise. Telling people to drive safely isn’t enough – passengers can play a more active role in their own safety and that of others.
That is why We Save Lives and the National Road Safety Foundation launched The National Passenger Safety Campaign, to bring together other organizations that believe that it’s time to focus on the passenger, and not just the driver. The goal is to promote safe driving practices and prevent unsafe ones by empowering passengers to “SPEAK UP” when their lives are in danger due to a reckless driver. So far more than 60 other organizations have joined the coalition, with more to come.
“One courageous voice can change one deadly choice.”
of vehicular deaths in 2020 were passengers.
vehicular traffic fatalities in 2020 were passengers.
of teen passenger deaths occurred with teen drivers.
Hear the stories of lives affected by passengers not taking a stand…